Howden Life & Health
FREE Will writing service
- FREE single will worth £80
- FREE mirror worth £130

Howden Life & Health free will writing service
As a new customer of Howden Life & Health, you have access to a free will writing service which is delivered by MyLastWill.
What is a will?
A Will is a legal document which deals with your estate and details how you would like to distribute your assets, such as what or how much you would like to leave each individual. It can also set out any wishes you would like carried out after you die.
Why do I need a will?
We would advise that every person makes a Will during their lifetime. It gives you the opportunity to state who you would like to benefit from your estate when you have passed away. You can also appoint executors, guardians and include your funeral wishes.
By making a Will, you are ensuring that your family will be taken care of and making the administration process much simpler.
What happens if I don’t make a will?
If you die without a valid Will, you will have died “intestate”. Legislation will then stipulate who takes receipt of your estate. This could result in your spouse, partner or children losing out, and your estate instead passing to people that you would not have chosen.
Things are also more time-consuming and complex when a Will is not in place. This can cause additional stress for your family, at what is already a very difficult time.
How to ‘claim’ your FREE WILL?
STEP 1 - When your policy starts, you will receive a text and an email from MyLastWill with a link to be able to complete your free will online. If you need help at any point there are tips and examples throughout, not to mention over 200 frequently asked questions linked to the different questions. Any problems please email us at
STEP 2 - Once your Will has been created the process of checking can begin. MyLastWill’s expert team have years of specialist experience, should they identify any issues, they will work with you to make any necessary changes, their job is to ensure that your Will fully reflects your wishes. (You have the option to view your Will before the checking process, although we strongly recommend signing the document only once our checks are fully completed)
STEP 3 - Now that your Will has been checked it is ready to be signed. The law states that you must sign your Will in front of two witnesses, who can then countersign. Almost anybody can be a witness provided they are not beneficiaries under your Will, people often ask their neighbours and friends.